
Welcome to Evolving Journeys…

Thank you for taking the time to check us out. Our purpose is to help you remember how magnificent and powerful you already are; reclaiming the wisdom that resides within you.

Through individual and group experiences; tools and programs; we act as catalysts as a simple way to peace – inner peace, is created and experienced. This is where the journey and change first begin – within. We serve clients throughout the world.

We have discovered that the journey of awakening and becoming consciously aware is an evolving one. The journey of remembering who we are and why we have chosen to be here at this time is often deeply buried, forgotten or confused. Our spiritual nature and authentic or true self yearn to emerge and remember. This remembering can be exciting, limitless, and fun. It may also feel uncomfortable and confusing. The only thing that gets in the way or slows us down is ourselves.

We invite you to explore our programs, products, blog, and other offerings.

Learn more about the tools and therapies that can assist you on your journey. We believe that we are all energetic vibrations and part of the musical and mathematical score of the universe. Learn how you can change and transform your vibration/frequency through the use of vibrational therapies using energy, guided visualization, sound, color, numerology, light, crystals and flower essences to name a few.

We invite you to enjoy the free meditations and reflect upon your own journey; how has your journey evolved? Where are you right now in this moment? What are you creating? What is your heart’s desire? Does it serve the greatest good? What, if anything, is blocking, creating resistance or inhibiting manifesting your heart’s desire and inner peace right now? What are the blessings in your life that can be celebrated; what offerings of gratitude want to be acknowledged?

You are never alone. The resources of the universe are infinite. You are powerful co-creators and creators. Allow your journey to continue and expand. We are here to serve for the greatest good of all and in the highest light.

As Tich Nhat Hahn reminds us, PEACE BEGINS WITHIN!

With great love and light,

Victoria Barna
Founder, Evolving Journeys